
Rocky Mountain National Park – Moraine Park Camping

My friend visited from NY and we camped around Rocky Mountain for a couple days in Moraine Park.

The fire grilling we did came out so perfect, I’d do all these meals again. Not too much prep, although a lot of equipment to bring necessary kitchen items.

Grilled Steak Kabobs with Mushrooms & Sweet Peppers. Fresh Guacamole & Pico de Gallo. Deli Bacon & Beans.

Bison Burgers with Gorgonzola, Prosciutto, & Fried Onions.

Fire Cooked Quesadillas.

Moraine Park is an absolute gem this time of year. So much vibrant life.

So much water throughout the park, cascading down the mountain.

Black Lake incredible as always.

Mills Lake always a Gem.