
VOC Fishing Pond Improvements at Lake Pueblo State Park

We installed timber steps at different access points along the shoreline of Pond #4 at Lake Pueblo State Park.

Step Building Time Lapse
Here is a time lapse of my crew as we worked on the stairs on Sunday.

The Chain of Lakes at Lake Pueblo State Park began as gravel pits and now serve as important reclaimed habitat for fish, birds, and other wildlife. The ponds have become a popular site for fishing and the rest of the park offers ample opportunities for recreation as well, including hiking, mountain biking, sailing, water skiing, and more. With over 60 miles of shoreline on the reservoir and 10,000 acres of land, it’s no wonder Lake Pueblo State Park is a favorite destination for many Coloradans.

Join us for a fun fall weekend at Lake Pueblo State Park! Open to volunteers ages 12+, we’ll spend the days installing a series of timber steps at different access points along the shoreline of Pond #4. While most of the work will be focused on building these steps, we’ll likely have time to clear brush and vegetation and cut some new trail as well.

Camping is available on both Friday and Saturday night, and VOC’s volunteer Crew Chefs will provide breakfast on Saturday and Sunday as well as dinner on Saturday night. Bring a fishing pole or fly rod for the evening, get out on the water at Lake Pueblo, or hit up the swim beach just up the road from our campsite as a welcome reward for your efforts!

VOC is also hosting a training on timber step building the day before on Friday, October 1, through our Outdoor Stewardship Institute (OSI) program for interested volunteers. This training is not required to volunteer, but is a great option for those serious about expanding their trail-building skills!

The Chain of Lakes have become a popular fishing destination, but there are no access trails leading to the water. The banks are steep and erosion has caused sediment deposits to pollute the water. By building small access trails and installing check steps, you will stabilize the bank, prevent further degradation, and encourage the restoration of a healthy ecosystem. This project will not only provide improved fishing access, it will keep users from disturbing the habitat of osprey and heron on the north edge of the pond. Colorado Parks & Wildlife hopes to beautify and restore the remaining ponds as part of a much larger management plan to increase wildlife habitat and provide responsible and sustainable recreation opportunities.

Trip Log
Being from California, I couldn’t help but make a stop at In-N-Out for dinner as I passed by in Colorado Springs. It’s a real treat that we have them here in Colorado now. No wait time at all!

My team I was leading was able to complete our curved stair section. I was really proud of the work they accomplished and I think it came out great! Especially from a team of volunteers who had never done any work like this before.

Our galaxy Itself Contains a Hundred Billion Stars
As daylight turned to dusk and the sun set, the sky opened up and the stars spilled out. Friday night, the sky was blanked with waves of clouds. Saturday was a clear night, and despite being close to downtown Pueblo, the stars stood out vibrantly.

I found there to be an abundance of life. Everything from spiders to birds of prey. The desert wilderness is saturated with vibrant life, despite the harsh living conditions.

This beautiful Osprey sat perched on top of a tall tree, calming observing everything around it.

Was stoked to see my first tarantula in the wild! This little guy was just stomping around, living it’s life.

And this is what happens when you set your tent up in the dark! I thought it might have been an ant hill, but at night there were no holes or ants. It seems they were just sleeping. Luckily they kept to themselves and didn’t invade me as I slept. I moved my tent the next night.

Ants are incredible hard working team creatures though. It’s amazing to watch them work. I couldn’t quite tell what they had here, but they brought it down into their lair.

This little bug here disguising itself as a leaf. Sticks out clearly walking on the concrete sidewalk.

Mr. Toad 🙂

I believe this is a five-lined skink.

Green Grasshopper.
A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says: “Hey, we’ve got a drink named after you!”, to which the grasshopper replied: “Why would anyone name a drink Larry?”

These are what bring all the fisherman here.